Garden Society



Local Services

<aside> 📅 Last update: 7 Dec. 2023


Article 1: Name of the Society

The name of the Society shall be the Elm Village Garden Society, hereinafter referred to as EVGS or the Society.

Article 2: Aims of EVGS

The overall aim of EVGS is to manage the allotments, greenhouse and communal green spaces in Elm Village by allocating plots in response to applications made by tenants and residents of Elm Village. In conjunction with Mike Jackson, to assist amateur gardeners in Elm Village in all aspects of gardening through advice, practical demonstrations, workshops and instruction.

Article 3: Membership

Membership of EVGS is open to all tenants and residents in Elm Village of eighteen years and over. AIl members of EVGS are eligible to request a plot and/or use of the Greenhouse on payment to the Society of the appropriate membership fee, the amount of which shall be determined annually by the Committee of the Society.

Article 4: Subscriptions

Subscriptions become due on 1st January; receipts will be given, and an up-to-date account of subscriptions paid will be kept. Any member who has not paid the subscription by 21st February shall lose his/her plot and/or use of the Greenhouse.

Article 5: The Committee

There shall be a Committee comprising two co-chairmen of EVGS, and a Treasurer/Secretary. These are honorary positions tenable for a period that shall be determined from time to time by the Committee. AIl members of EVGS over the age of 18 may volunteer for the committee, usually by giving notice to the Committee. Applications will be discussed during the Annual General Meeting. If more than one person has volunteered, then the decision will be made by a majority vote of all members present.

Article 6: Conduct of Business

The two co-chairmen may act either independently or together. Together with the Treasurer they have full responsibility for all decisions relating to the management and running of the Society, as well as authority to sign cheques drawn on the Society's account for expenses incurred in behalf of the Society.

Article 7: Committee Meetings

The Committee shall meet as necessary and not less than 6 times in each year.

Article 8: General Meetings

There will be no fewer than 4 general meetings in each year, and a general meeting may be called by any member on application to the Committee. An Annual General Meeting will be held, usually in the summer months (May to August). At this Meeting, the Committee will present the accounts, as well as a report on the activities of the year. Committee Members will be elected or existing Members reconfirmed.